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Hey guys,
I'd like to invite you to join the very first tournament for TrackMania² Valley!
It will be splitted into two parts:
Part 1: Building competition
Every tournament needs some maps to play on, so this is where everything starts. I'm sure that the new solo-campaign will be as much as awesome as the new stadium campaign is (thanks to Papy!), but the editor is the heart of TrackMania so I'd like you to focus on that first.
First of all I'd like to inform you that every map that I'll receive will be rewarded with 500 planets (if it fits the main requirements of course). Additonally, every map that will make it into the mappool for the cup (5 maps overall) will be rewarded with 1,500 planets!
- Length: 40 to 45 seconds
- Style: suited for competitive driving (tech, speedtech)
- Name: every map needs a "ItV -" prefix (e.g. "ItV - Minato is the best")
- MT: forbidden
- Scenery: scenery is always nice to watch, but please don't overload your map with it (it may cause lags for other players)
- Signs: if you use signs, please use the default signs
That's it! You'll have 9 days, from July 4th, 00h00 to July 12th, 23h59, to build your maps and to send them to the following email address: chris_ho(at)web(dot)de
Mappack will be released on Sunday, July 14th!
Part 2: Driving competition
After one week of training the mappack you'll have a chance to show your skills in a simple 1on1 Double-Elimination cup to determine the best of the best after slightly more than two weeks of nolifing NADEO's newest game!
I won't go into detail here, but you are able to find further informations and you can register for the cup here: http://binarybeast.com/x1307033
However, I'd like to mention two things: First, it will be mandatory to be present at the IRC channel because you are not able to communicate with your opponent via BB... Second, I'm looking for some goodies, planets or even hardware-prizes, so if you know someone who is willing to donate some of these get in contact with me via email (which is mentioned above), add me in Skype (blacksirc) or if you want to donate some planets send them to: sirc
I'm only able to offer some planets, so the prizepool for the moment contains the following:
- 1st: 10,000 planets + gold tag
- 2nd: 5,000 planets + silver tag
- 3rd: 2,500 planets + bronze tag
Thanks in advance and gl hf!
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Didn't know about them.