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![[up] ESWC 2013 : Details Qualifiers](/img/../uploads/images/images/banners/eswc2012.jpg)
Update: We make a mistake about a point of the rules, here is the fix:
- Each teams/players from Europe can participate to the regional qualifications (France included).
Few days ago we announced the dates of qualifications on ShootMania and TrackMania² Stadium for ESWC 2013 without giving additional information.
Here are some details about the slots you can win in each competition:
TrackMania² Stadium | ShootMania | |
Qualifier #1 - 7/8 september | 2 slots US | 1 slot EU |
Qualifier #2 - 14/15 september | 3 slots FR | 1 slot FR |
Qualifier #3 - 21/22 september | 2 slots EU | 1 slot EU |
Qualifier #4 - 28/29 september | 3 slots FR | 1 slot FR |
- US competition is only for the American continent who don't come from a country with a NSP.
- French competitions are only for the french teams and players.
- Europeans competitions are only for the team and player who come from an european continent ( Excluding France) and who don't come from a country owning an NSP.
- For more information about nationality consideration, you can turn up to the article 37 of the ESWC 2013 general regulation available at the following adress: http://www.eswc.com/public/regulations/ESWC-2013-conditions-participation.pdf
- Register form of each competition will be online, the monday about the concern week on the website: http://www.drakonia.eu/
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Are you mixing eswc.fr with eswc? Only 6 slots for eswc.fr on tm2s? Only 10 slots for eswc on tm2s with 6 french players?
I don't understand anything x)
Edit: oh no, I understand now. For french players:
2 slots masters du jeu vidéo
6 slots eswc
Ce qui fait 8 slots eswc.fr, 2 slots pour l'eswc.
Par contre, je ne comprends pas les 4 slots inter seulement? Ça fait un tournoi à 6 joueurs, wtf?
Édit 2: ok j'ai compris, + spam et klovni...
Pitié soyez exhaustifs dans les news ^^
16 players. Sounds good :)
BB hopes for a slot... -.-
ShootMania : Quakenet@drakonia-shootmania
TrackMania : Quakenet@drakonia-trackmania
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