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For the upcoming lans Anjou Arena, Gamers Assembly and Cap'Arena, we once again appeal to you to make the packmap that will be used during these lans. You have until Sunday, February 16 at 23:59 to send them to the address trackmania[at]drakonia[dot]eu for Stadium and the Sunday, March 2nd at 23:59 for Canyon.
Information for your maps:
- Hexadecimal or modification of the file outside the game publisher is prohibited
- The map must be submitted in final form
- The level of difficulty of the map must be gradual
- The length must be between 55 sec and 1min05
- The name of the map need to have the prefix "SPRING'14 - "
- Each mapper can submit only 3 maps plus 1 duo (additional map is taken into account for the 2 members duo)
- The maps will have Drakonia (black or white), Mania-Actu (black or white) panels and this panel where the content will be modified dynamically for each event where the mappack will be used.
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#1 by
serujio on 2014-01-23 at 22:52

no valley?

#2 by
Jonthekiller on 2014-01-23 at 23:03

For the moment, only Canyon and Stadium tournaments has been announced. If a Valley is announced, we will ask for some maps too.

#3 by
zerd on 2014-01-29 at 16:57

what is hexadecimal...blockmixing?

#4 by
Minato on 2014-01-29 at 17:36


#5 by
Kahwix on 2014-01-30 at 13:42

Hexadecimal = Blockmixing yes !
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