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Great News for everyone considering getting his friends into Maniaplanet too! The Maniaplanet Team officially released the Universal Demo, which allows everyone to play all titles in Trackmania aswell as Shootmania Storm.
For Trackmania, you have
- the 45 white solo tracks in each title
- Access to the Multienvironment Title
- Full Multiplayer experience
- Access to all editors (Map, Mediatracker, Actions & Weapons, Items)
while the Shootmania Demo offers
- the three ranked multiplayer modes Battle, Elite and Siege
- Full multiplayer experience (except for ranking probably)
- Full Editor Access (as in TM)
- Custom Titles experience.
This awesome offer comes with the following limitations:
- 48h free play, afterwards 1h limitation (or unlimited play on titles with <100 players)
- No customizable nickname, skin, horn
- In Trackmania, you only posess the Multienvi title.
What do you think about the demo? Tell us about your opinion!
Also, share the Maniaplanet homepage for the Demo download link!
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#1 by
wormi on 2014-07-14 at 17:37

Nice! Tell about this to your friends now!
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