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Here is the list of the following tournaments of the Gamers Assembly 2015 in France from 4th April until 6th April:
Shootmania Elite - 16 teams of 3 players
Shootmania Battle & Siege - 12 teams of 5 players
Trackmania Stadium - 12 players
Trackmania Dirt - 12 players
Trackmania Canyon & Valley - 12 players
You can compete for the tournaments of Trackmania 2 Canyon and Trackmania 2 Valley by purchasing only one slot.
You can compete for the tournaments of Shootmania Battle & Siege by purchasing only one slot as well.
Slots for winners of ESL GO4:
Shootmania ELITE: The team with the most points overall (from the first cup in December until the last cup in February) wins a slot for the Gamers Assembly ShootMania Elite.
Trackmania 2 Stadium: The player with the most points overall (from the first cup in December until the last cup in February) wins a slot for the Gamers Assembly Trackmania 2 Stadium 2
GL and HF
Concernant les maps, je voudrais savoir s'il y a un appel au mapping. (Pour le road et le Tech)
Si oui, pouvez vous m'informer des directives ?